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Charms, Inc. in the Motor City for the 2014 Biennial Conclave!

Nineteen of the twenty chapters of Charms, Incorporated (Inc.) convened at the site of their 24th Biennial Conclave, the Greektown Casino-Hotel (Downtown’s Playground), from July 9 – 13, 2014. The Conclave theme was Motor City Magic. National President M. Elizabeth Chatman presided over the plenary sessions. The Conclave Tri-Chairpersons were Patricia S. Johnson, Ed.D.; Janice Rembert; and Grenae’ Dudley-White, Ph.D.

Over 200 persons were in attendance either for the entire Conclave or for some of the individual events. Guests were exposed to Motor City Cars, Motor City Stars, Casinos Galore and much more. Events included The Grand Prix Night, The Motor City Soul Train, The Charm of the Year (COTY) Awards Luncheon, The Motor City Grammy’s and a farewell breakfast. Motor City Stars included international performing and recording artist, Randy Scott; Jazz Vocalist, DeAnna Weeden; and the dynamic “DJ Love.”

Charm Johnson stated, “Commitment, Harmony, Accomplishment, Respect, Manner, and Sincerity are five elements that define the mindset and mission of Charms, Inc. We, as members of Charms, are guided by these divine character traits and always maintain a smile as we strive to help our fellowman and aspire to greater things. This impetus guided us to select the Conclave theme, Motor City Magic, and to select the Greater Michigan Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association as our National Project Recipient.”

During the COTY luncheon, National President M. Elizabeth Chatman presented a $5,000 check to the Alzheimer’s Association representative, Ms. Gayle H. Burstein, Major Gifts Officer, on behalf of Charms, Inc.

The National Officers: Charms: M. Elizabeth Chatman, President; LaQuinta Parker-Perry, 1st Vice President; Lynada Coleburn Martinez, 2nd Vice President; Darcel Arrington, Recording Secretary; Tonja Horton Robinson, Corresponding Secretary; Barbara Frazier, Financial Secretary; Dora Smith, Treasurer; Mary Green, Chaplain; Claudia McDuffie, Historian; Lillie Fontenot, Parliamentarian; and Patricia S. Johnson, Ed.D., Organizer. The newly elected national president for the 2014-2015 fiscal year is LaQuinta Parker-Perry.

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The Detroit Officers & Members: Charms: Patricia S. Johnson, President; Janice Rembert, 1st Vice President; Doreitha Armstrong, 2nd Vice President; Gwendolyn Woods, Recording Secretary; Dorothy Garrett, Corresponding Secretary & Chaplain; Grenae’ Dudley-White, Financial Secretary; Joy DeFrance-Myers, Treasurer; Claudia McDuffie, Historian; Marian Blocker-Sewell, Parliamentarian, Joyce Adams, Casandra England, Shamille Goins, Wilhelmina Hall, Viola Walker, Claire Allie, Emeritus; and Lillian Covington, Ed.D., Charm Laureate. The newly elected Detroit president for the 2014-2015 fiscal year is Marian Blocker-Sewell


With planned activities that highlighted the milestones and achievments of the Charms, Inc. throughout the years to the national elections that helped continuiously propel the organization into the future.


Charms Incorprated is home to energetic, ambitious and dedicated members from across the states of Georgia; Maryland; Michigan; Alabama; North Carolina; Ohio; Texas; Michigan; North Carolina; Nevada; Florida; Pennsylvania; Oklahoma and Washington, DC.

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"Smile, help your fellow man, and, aspire to greater things."


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